3 Tips for choosing a first-dance song

Choosing your first-dance song can be a bit overwhelming (along with the other hundreds of tasks that come along with planning a wedding). Do you go with the song that you both jammed out to in the car on your first date? Or do you pick Ed Sheeran’s current hit love song (hint: it will most likely be everyone else’s first dance too). Here are some tips to keep in mind when deciding what to dance to on your big day.

Decide what vibe you want.

Are you and your partner the fun and silly type or are you more reserved and low key, Choose a song that goes with your personalities. You may want a song that has great lyrics or is meaningful, but if it doesn’t flow with both of you, it may feel awkward for you to dance to.

Dance to it!

This leads me to my next tip: dance to it, try it out. You’d be surprised how many times couples just pick a song and then never really dance to it until the actual wedding day; similar to buying shoes and not trying them on! You may think a song is perfect and then you try dancing to it only to find out it’s waaaaay too slow or even too fast for a simple back and forth sway. Get with your wedding dance choreographer (if you’ve hired one) and ask for their advice. They will be able to tell you more about the tempo of the music and what kind of steps will go with it.

Don’t give up on it if it fails a test

Even if it’s not your vybe or is too slow, don’t pass it up! There are so many different versions of songs you can find on Spotify, like an acoustic version or a cover artist. Your DJ may be able to help too if the song seems too long -they can fade it or cut certain parts out. You can even start with one song and fade into a completely different song. This is your day, make it what YOU want!.


Ashlee + Joe - “Jump in the Line”